From the overflowing landfill of literate America crawl forth half-baked abominations, given a cruel semblance of life at the hands of their authors they limp into bookstores and browsers everywhere on legs of ill-conceived prose and thesaurus-doctored metaphors, spilling into the hands and minds of our innocent young, perverting our libraries and thriving in airport newsstands.
For Whom the Bell Tolls.
All because Public Education, that swaggering Prometheus of federal institutions, insists on carrying the burning brand of letters down the mountain for the good of mankind. How grand. Now O.J. Simpson can read. But he can also pen that stimulating masterwork If I Did It. Is Mr. Simpson to blame for his insurpassibly poor taste in subject matter? Well, him... yes. But those responsible for inducting him into the world of written expression share in his blame, as do the foul tutors of Stephanie Meyer, Dan Brown, and numberless celebrity starlets whose so-named autobiographies fall neatly into the handbags of their pubescent and doomed fangirls. Ernest Hemingway, too. I hate that guy.
So if you don't like what I write, how I write it, or the fact that I'm stupid enough to scatter my shoddy essays into the virtual ether, don't blame me. Blame literacy.Blame Public Education. Blame my grade-school teachers. And by all means, blame America.
DISCLAIMER: This post was a joke. I've gotten a few responses indicating that I was attacking Public Education. I am not. Just havin' a laugh. I'm so down with teaching people to read. I even work as part of an adult literacy program. PLEASE don't take me seriously. Ever. Thanks.
I can't believe I'm posting a comment here, too.
And what do you have against Hemmingway?
This is going to be an angry blog, isn't it?
With you on Hemingway. Economy of words my eye, what a putz.
And don't be too hard on public education. Some of us are in that field with the express purpose of doing damage control. It's messy, but somebody's gotta do it.
I personally like Hemmingway... but Dan Brown? Somebody take away his desktop, PLEASE. Also, I have read all of your stuff on here, and you are much more liberal than you led me to believe. welcome, comrade.
You are a funny boy! I agree with you about Twilight. I'll never have those 5 hours of my life back.
Here's something I noticed as well--whenever a movie or video game is made based on a book, lots of people say, "Well, at least it'll get kids reading!" ...Like reading is a more valid way to waste your time or something. Great new blog, I'll have to visit more often!
I have read all of your stuff on here, and you are much more liberal than you led me to believe.
Work from home India
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